Thursday, February 26, 2015

Descriptive Easay

Descriptive Essay: Winter Break
It was the last few minutes of class and everybody was anxious to get out of class for it was the last day of first semester. As the bell rings, everybody rushes out of class saying their farewells to each other and the teacher. I hurry out of the building and meet my friends at the tree by the stairs. Once everybody was there, we all headed towards the bus stop and everybody was chatting with one another. My two friends and Idecide to go visit our elementary, Third Street Elementary, while the others go play pool. As my friends and I approach the school, old memories start popping up and we talk about the old days. We get off the bus, still talking about our days at the elementary, and head towards the front entrance. As the three of us walk in all excited and anxious to meet our past teachers, we stop by the office where we are greeted by same staff from years ago. We see them with their pleasant smiles for they were happy to see us once again. We chat with them for a few minutes and leave to meet our other teachers. As we walk around, we run into one of our teachers. We greet her and she is surprised to see us. We then enter her classroom and she treats us with leftover pizza from the party they had. Sitting in that room made me remember my days at that school. All the materials in that classroom were mini-sized which made me feel big. As the four us sat and ate the pizza, we chatted about the old days and caught up with one each other. Without knowing, three hours passed by, and sadly, we had to leave because we had made plans with our other friends to meet and eat. So we said our good-byes and left. Before we left the school, the three of us took a few pictures in front of the school. Then, we headed for the bus stop. We got on the bus and went to go meet with our other friends that went to go play pool. All of us met at a KBBQ restaurant on 8th and Ardmore. We ate dinner together for about two hours. After dinner, I had to go home because my mom didn’t want me to be too late. However, my other friends went somewhere; Im not too sure where they went. I returned at around eight.
 My memory of what I did on the next day is not clear. have no idea what I did on that Saturday. II did do anything, Imost likely went to go play sports and exercise with my church friends, for that is what we do almost every Saturday. If that Ididn’t do that, I probably didn’t do anything and just stayed home and played games all day. On Sunday, I went to church and that is all I remember.
On the first Monday of winter break, I hung out with a few of my friends because it was one of my friendbirthdays. First, we went to a sushi place and ate for a few hours. We went to a sushi place because that’s where m friend worked and her dad owned the restaurant, so we all got fee food. After we ate, we went to a karaoke place called Young Dong. We sang our hearts out for about an hour. By the time we were done with karaoke, it was about seven o clock. The next thing on the list was to go bowling. So we got on the bus and headed for Shatto 39 Lanes. When we got there, the place was almost packed, but luckily, there were a couple of lanes open for us to play on. We played two games which took us about an hour. After bowling, we were all hungry, so we decided to go to a Thai restaurantThe bus took too long and the restaurant was not too far away so we just walked there. On our way, we found a small cart on the sidewalk and one of my friends wanted to go in it so she got in and my other friend pushed her all the way to the restaurantWhen we arrived to the restaurant, we parked the cart in a hidden area so we can get it back after we were done eating. When we arrived at the restaurant, it was about nine. The food we ordered was delicious and savory, but it was way too spicy. At first, it wasn’ttoo bad, but as we kept eating, it got worse and worse. Our mouths started to burn and felt like they were on fire while our faces were sweating. Because it was so spicy, we couldn’t finish everything; instead, we to-goed the leftovers. When we left the restaurant, it was about ten o clock. We went back to retrieve our hidden cart because my friend wanted to ride in it again. Luckily, the cart was still there, just as we left it. My friend got in the cart again and the same person pushed the cart, and we all headed towards my friends house because she wanted us to drop her off, so we did that. When we were about half way to my friends place, we ditched the cart because it was getting too dark and the sidewalk was cracked to point where we couldn’tpush the cart anymore. We were also afraid of getting caught by the policeWhen we arrived to my friends place, it was around ten thirty. I called my mom to pick me up knowing that she would get mad at me for coming home so late. Either way, I had to call her so I did. When I called her, she sounded angry and mad and told me to wait. So a few minutes later, she came to where I was and picked me up. On the car ride home, she nagged at me telling me to come home earlier next time and so on. I got home at around eleven that night. 
On Tuesday, I didn’t do anything. It was just a typical vacation day. I had nothing to do so I woke up late and stayed in my room pretty much all day and played games, watched movies, and etc. The only times I went out was to use the restroom or to get something to eat. I got out of my room around five thirty to pretend to work because that’s usually when my mom comes home. For the remainder of the day, I didn’t really do much. The next day, I didnt really anything either. Just stayed home and played games. Around dinner time, I went to church because it was Christmas Eve and we were celebratingmass. When I got back home, I just went to my room and played some more games and watched a few movies until I fell asleep.
On Christmas day, I went to church again because we were having a Christmas/ End-of-the-Year Party. We had a lot to prepare so I went a bit earlier to help out. We were all busy and the place hectic trying to get everything ready. Slowly, people started to fill in and more and more people came. Eventually, everybody arrived and we started the party. The air was filled joy and laughter. There was also a talent show where people danced, sang, played instruments, and played out little skits. My friends and I were one of the performers; we danced to a Koreansong. Once the party was over, everybody started to head to the main chapel to celebrate the birth of Jesus in mass. The mass was about an hour and a half long. Many people were tired and sleepy; some people even dozed off a little bit during the mass. After the mass, everybody went home to spend Christmas with their own family. When I got home, my mom, brother, and I had a little celebration of our own with wine, chips, and Koreandramas. After an hour or so, we all went to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. This essay was a bit simple and there weren't much sensory details that made your experience attract the reader. You just simply explained what you did on a certain day instead of focusing on one event in which you use details to make it an interesting experience.
